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Friday, February 26, 2010

RELEASE: Greenpeace Wipes It's Soft, Virgin Butt with Canada's Ancient Boreal Forests

August 6, 2009

RELEASE: Greenpeace Wipes It's Soft, Virgin Butt with Canada's Ancient Boreal Forests

- Against what ecological science tells us is required for global and regional ecological sustainability, Greenpeace Canada endorses continued clearcut of ancient boreal forests for paper products including toilet paper. Nothing to change as ancient boreal forests continues to be clearcut to wipe bottoms, albeit certified by FSC and Greenpeace as "well-managed".

By Earth's Newsdesk, a project of Ecological Internet (EI)
CONTACT: Dr. Glen Barry,

Canada's boreal forests: rich in carbon and waterEcological Internet vigorously condemns Greenpeace Canada's greenwash endorsement of continued Canadian ancient boreal forest logging [search] to make throw away paper items, including toilet paper. Yesterday Greenpeace announced a premature end [ark] to its "Kleercut" campaign [search] against Kimberly-Clark Corporation, the maker of Kleenex, Scott and Cottonelle brand paper products, boldly proclaiming "today, ancient forests like the Boreal Forest have won."

Greenpeace's long-standing campaign against "ancient forest crimes" by Kimberly-Clark was suspended on the basis of promises that 40% of its North American tissue fiber will be either recycled or FSC certified by 2011. The company traditionally has used 3 million tones of virgin fibre a year, which will fall to 2.4 million tons if they are successful. This atrociously weak target will legitimize continued destruction of Canada's ancient forest ecosystems for throw away paper products for decades.

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