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Friday, February 26, 2010

Please Help PARC!

Being that we receive no funding from any government or foundation, all the work and resources at PARC are offered for free. Legal support, food, coffee, phone use, computer and internet, fax ability, literature, meeting space, organizing materials, workshops, and the list goes on. But we haven't come across much money recently to pay the bills...

Even a few bucks from everyone (who has it) would keep us going.

Please call if you want to drop off or mail any money: (707) 442-7465
Also, we still have the paypal account at the PARC webpage:

Hoping you will pass on this request if you know people who might contribute. Donations are crucial at the end of the month (now), but are so appreciated and necessary at any time!


--Verbena and more PARC peoples

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