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Monday, December 24, 2007

Please Help Bear Mountain Treesit

To help Bear Mountain, visit

Date: Dec 21, 2007 11:22 AM
At 9:30 am Friday, Dec 21, a survey crew arrived at the site of the Bear Mountain Interchange in Langford to begin staking out the route for the new highway. By 11 am, around a dozen campers and supporters moved to peacefully block the crew from working. The campers and supporters are there to protect Spencer's Pond, Langford Lake Cave and rare wildlife from destruction. Chants of "the people united will never be defeated!" could be heard through the forest.

More supporters and witnesses are needed today, this weekend and next week, including Christmas. It is not likely that people will be arrested today, as they are not breaking any laws. However, we expect that the City of Langford and Bear Mountain Resort will apply for a court ordered injunction to remove the campers.
The survey crew appears to be private contractors hired by the city or the resort.

The tree sit camp includes six forest defenders on platforms high in the trees, along with many more people camping on the ground . The Spaet Mountain Action Coalition has promised to protect the forest by all peaceful means, including risking arrest by committing civil disobedience.

On Thursday, three uniformed RCMP officers accompanied by four plainclothes officers visited the camp and photographed the platforms, the tripod over the cave, and the traverse lines connecting the tree sits high in the forest canopy.

For more info: 885-8219.

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