Fight Back!! Wear Black!!
Gather with DIGNITY, without fear!
Here, behind the Redwood Curtain, we recognize both October 22nd and 23rd as Days of Action Against Police Brutality, remembering and resisting for our young brother, CHRISTOPHER BURGESS, who was fatally shot on October 23rd, 2006 at the age of 16 by a Eureka police officer.
We are mobilizing for two continuous days of action remembering those who have lost their lives
to police, fighting against an intentional politics of cruelty, and building community that recognizes
everyone's dignity. Days of Action, October 22nd and 23rd, will involve guerilla theater, marches,
a memorial bike ride, speak-outs, film screenings, a vigil, and the basics- sharing food, rage, tears,
ideas, and strength -together.
Website: http://redwoodcurtaincopwatch.net/
Email: copwatchrwc@riseup.net
Phone: (707) 633-4493
Here are links to simple and more detailed fliers. Attached and below is the SCHEDULE.
http://www.box.net/shared/x0k2pruzp3 "No Work! No School!" (general, save the date flier)
http://www.box.net/shared/bjpgpipiyx/1/33096220/ Memorial Bike Ride342112896
http://www.box.net/shared/bjpgpipiyx/1/33096220/ Days of Action342111694
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Because more prisons and more police do not lead to lower crime rates or stronger communities. . .
Because so many we love are behind bars or buried by police brutality. . .
Because "public funds are diverted directly from public education and social services to prison construction . . ."*
Because "Native people are per capita the most arrested, most incarcerated, and most victimized by police brutality of any ethnic group in the country. . ."*
Because "state violence - in the form of the criminal justice system - cannot provide true safety for women, particularly women of color . . ."**
Because "prisoners become seen as nonpersons, deserving of any type of abuse or enslavement . . ."*
Because LGBTI (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Intersex) and street youth in general are particularly vulnerable to police brutality and criminalization. . .
Because "we need to make connections between interpersonal violence, the violence inflicted by domestic state institutions. . . and international violence. . ."**
Because undocumented adults and children are intimidated, separated from their families and communities, abused, and deported by Immigration & Customs Enforcement (ICE) and in many places, by local police, who work in conjunction with ICE. . .
Because people who do not own or rent property are denied the basic human rights of food, shelter, and decent health care. . .
Because people who must live in public view are routinely beaten, arrested, stolen from, and killed- in the name of the law...
Because the so-called War on Drugs is a war on the poor and communities of color. . .
Because addiction and mental illness are criminalized . . .
We stand in solidarity with international acts against police brutality this October.
Join Redwood Curtain CopWatch on Oct 22 & 23 for two days of actions and events. No Work. No School.
* Andrea Smith, Conquest (Cambridge: South End Press, 2005).
** INCITE! Women of Color & Critical Resistance Statement: Gender Violence and the Prison Industrial Complex, as quoted in Conquest by Andrea Smith
Because so many we love are behind bars or buried by police brutality. . .
Because "public funds are diverted directly from public education and social services to prison construction . . ."*
Because "Native people are per capita the most arrested, most incarcerated, and most victimized by police brutality of any ethnic group in the country. . ."*
Because "state violence - in the form of the criminal justice system - cannot provide true safety for women, particularly women of color . . ."**
Because "prisoners become seen as nonpersons, deserving of any type of abuse or enslavement . . ."*
Because LGBTI (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Intersex) and street youth in general are particularly vulnerable to police brutality and criminalization. . .
Because "we need to make connections between interpersonal violence, the violence inflicted by domestic state institutions. . . and international violence. . ."**
Because undocumented adults and children are intimidated, separated from their families and communities, abused, and deported by Immigration & Customs Enforcement (ICE) and in many places, by local police, who work in conjunction with ICE. . .
Because people who do not own or rent property are denied the basic human rights of food, shelter, and decent health care. . .
Because people who must live in public view are routinely beaten, arrested, stolen from, and killed- in the name of the law...
Because the so-called War on Drugs is a war on the poor and communities of color. . .
Because addiction and mental illness are criminalized . . .
We stand in solidarity with international acts against police brutality this October.
Join Redwood Curtain CopWatch on Oct 22 & 23 for two days of actions and events. No Work. No School.
* Andrea Smith, Conquest (Cambridge: South End Press, 2005).
** INCITE! Women of Color & Critical Resistance Statement: Gender Violence and the Prison Industrial Complex, as quoted in Conquest by Andrea Smith
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